Newzones Welcomes Photographer Stuart McCall
We are pleased to announce Newzones is now representing Vancouver-based photographer, Stuart McCall!
Examining our relationship with the natural environment, McCall’s work explores the unexpected arrangement of elements that occur from chance effect. Using a visual aesthetic influenced by contemporary commercial imagery, he challenges the viewer to consider the significance of visual coincidence. Frequently making use of unconventional perspective and scale McCall offers a fresh look at the familiar, confronting preconceived notions about our surroundings.
McCall observes the landscape not for what resides in it, but more for alignments of color and visual elements. In the “Industrial Landscapes” series, the arrangement of bold primary or fluorescent colors, monolithic shapes and unusual textures which occur in industrial and construction settings are explored. These colors, shapes and textures are initially employed strictly for the purposes of safety or expediency and despite a complete lack of consideration for aesthetics, these elements frequently orchestrate themselves into a rough canvas filled with unconventional beauty.
McCall began his career as a photographer in 1982. His images have been published widely, featured in such titles as Time Magazine, Fortune Magazine, Saturday Night, Photography Monthly, Boston Globe, Times of London, as well as in books by National Geographic, and Douglas & McIntyre. His work has been recognized by Communication Arts, the Lotus Awards, and International Photography awards.
Click here to view additional artworks on the Newzones website, or pop by the gallery to see them in person!